关键词 |
VOCs废气吸附树脂 |
面向地区 |
全国 |
空气净化技术 |
吸附技术 |
氢型树脂的使用:本树脂是一种经过再生精处理的强酸性阳离子交换树脂,已经完成了活化与氢型的转型,高转型率,高净度,可用去离子水以5-8BV速率冲洗后直接使用;使用失效后如果需要再生,亦可通过HCL处理,效果更好;具体步骤为:以3%浓度HCL 2倍树脂体积浸泡1小时,然后去离子水冲洗至PH>6;
Company Introduction: Tianjin Xinyue Huamei Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the research, production, and sales of various strong acids and strong alkalis, weak acids and weak alkalis, ion exchange resins, specialty resins, chelating resins, polishing resins, catalytic resins, macroporous adsorption resins, dry and wet anion cation resins, among others. Our products are widely used in desalination and decolorization of water and solvents, catalysis, enrichment and purification of natural products, acid and alkali removal, rare and precious metals and heavy metals recovery, enrichment of transition element ions, wastewater and organic matter treatment, VOCs waste gas treatment, among others. We welcome inquiries from various business scenarios, and offer products in different specifications for experimental and analytical uses.!
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